In conjunction with a visit from the Edge manufacturer from the States, Conquest is holding two hands on training days in December.
Tuesday 9th will see the doors of our Broadmeadows facility opened to all interested in learning more on the Conquest Edge Series of Orbital Scrubbers. Hands on training will be held all day on chemical free floor stripping, diamond floor polishing as well as demonstrations on the entire Conquest range of sweepers and scrubbers.
Wednesday 10th will be an invitation only day for our dealer network where Conquest dealers from all over Australia will come together to learn more about the Conquest range.
Full catering will be available all day and we look forward to seeing you there.
Invitations have been sent out and if you have not received or would like to come to either day please email Sarah Hopkins at shopkins@conquestequipment.com.au or call 1800 82 6789.