Like many businesses, our customers raise a common industry challenge with us: knowing how to motivate their employees. Motivated employees make all the difference when it comes to engagement, productivity and staff retention – but what can be done to maximise motivation?
We asked renowned business development strategist, keynote speaker and Australian entrepreneur, Steve Claydon, for his expert advice. Here, he shares his sought-after tips and tricks for building a motivated team.
1. It’s an inside game
Firstly, understand that you can never really solve your employees’ motivation levels, because motivation comes from within ¬– it’s an ‘inside game’. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves, but what you can do is encourage curiosity. Being curious means being interested in things and motivated to learn more. So think about how you can encourage playful curiosity within your team.
2. Understand motivation
The word motivation is defined by ‘direction’. True motivation requires a clear ‘north star’ – which means your employees crave a sense of purpose and direction. They need to know where they’re going, how long it may take to get there, and the level of persistence required. Provide them with the structure they need to recognise and follow their north star.
3. Understand your motive, and get moving
To remain motivated over a long period of time, we all need a clear motive and constant reminders of that motive. This is our ‘why’ – our reason for doing something in the first place. The word motivation also stems from the word movere, meaning ‘to move’. Put simply, motivation requires movement and a motive. When you’re lacking a motive and therefore not feeling particularly motivated, there will be no physical movement. Notice how this changes when you’re feeling motivated – movement goes through the roof!
4. Sometimes, all you need is a change of scenery
During periods of stagnation or inactivity, you often hear people say: “I’m not inspired here – maybe I need to get out and work from a different location?” You know what? Often, this really works! True motivation begins when you decide to move, not when you arrive at your destination. If your employees are in dire need of a fresh perspective, try introducing a regular change of scenery into their work routine.
Keeping your employees motivated and engaged can be challenging, particularly those tasked with cleaning facilities and property services. But it’s not impossible! Keep in mind Steve’s advice to create a positive work environment, with productive and satisfied employees who are full to the brim with motivation. Encourage curiosity, set clear time-based objectives, and get moving – both physically and metaphorically. You don’t necessarily need to implement complex strategies and employee programs – renewed motivation could stem from the simple act of altering the sequence of duties. Or you might consider rotating staff across work sites, or offering cross-training opportunities.
Also, ensure your team are equipped with the right commercial floor cleaning equipment to perform the task at hand. Your employees will feel much more satisfied and proud of the high-quality results achieved when using the best-suited, most innovative industrial floor cleaners, commercial floor sweepers and scrubbing machines. And you will be just as thrilled!
Conquest is proud to enlist the expertise of Steve Claydon to provide insight and value in response to the recognised business challenges in our industry. In addition to being Managing Director and Lead Consultant at Equip Consulting, Steve is an International Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker and Leading Business Development Strategist, working with hundreds of businesses worldwide to help them to achieve their goals.